The Future
Projected Developments and Applications of PET
In a field as underdeveloped as PET there is a need for a participating organization to constantly review future developments. There are strong indications of developments which are likely to make this methodology more easily accessible from both the practical and cost perspectives. These promise to greatly expand and broaden the applications of this area of clinical research.
The components in these projected developments include:
- Improved practicalities through easier access to cyclotron and generator produced tracers, radiochemistry technology, the relaxing of regulatory demands on GMP production and drug micro-dosing studies using PET along with the introduction of new PET scanner technology
- The emergence of new bio markers particularly with respect to immuno-PET which are destined to greatly expand the libraries of imaging agents. These promise to address the un-met need for imaging biomarkers to exploit areas of PET based research across internal medicine that have been hither-to undeveloped
- The challenges of realizing methodological developments that are seen to rest with biology and chemistry investment along with the derivation of quantitative data on regional tissue function
- The attraction of committed clinical researchers to this area
- The translation of PET research procedures into health care and sharing scientific programs and risk within academic/industrial partnership
The PRA Company offers a new approach to providing advice and on going awareness of these developments as they impact on realizing the full potential of PET in experimental medicine.